One thing I've learned these past two months is the amazing strength able to be produced from your hips. So many exercises use the hip as a kind of momentum started, or a powerhouse. No longer do I try to perform cleans using only my traps and shoulders but now it's almost entirely hips. They're amazing! The sad thing is that they never received much attention before doing these workouts except for an occasional pelvic thrust (followed by a time warp!) as is the case with many runners. We become very quad dominant and render ourselves incapable of producing much hip strength or flexibility. My hips apparently are so involved in my workouts that my left side is starting to hurt and thus needs a break... and a chiro appointment. So I think I will take the next 3 days off and rest up and go see the doc on Monday morning to see if he can adjust this pain out of me.
Today was another brutal workout, mostly because I'm so sore from earlier in the week. A 40cal row followed by 40 reps of pullups, lunges, wall balls, deadlifts, push press, situps, burpees, double unders, and ending with another 40 cal row. I do love these types of workouts as they are lengthy, work your whole body, and really test your stamina. My eating habits are still on the right track and almond butter is officially my new favorite food. AND on a side note I ate mushrooms last night and for the first time actually enjoyed them (outside of morels that is). We will also be going down to the farmers market on Saturday morning to check out some local vendors and hopefully bring home some goodies!
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