Saturday, November 1, 2008

This week...

This week I have become officially addicted to mountain biking. I always thought I might like it, but clearly there are no mountains around here. That, however, does not mean that there are not some amazing trails to ride on. Sunderbruch Park in Davenport will become my new home away from home whenever time and weather allow. Not only is it a great workout, it's mentally challenging and requires 100% concentration. I'll try to stay out of the biking politics as that seems to be a big issue with some... I just want to ride! I also went on my first trail run of the year, which will become a regular goal for my long days. To celebrate I ordered a new pair of Salomon GTX trail shoes. Hopefully I love them and they love me back. Training will be kicking into high gear as the clock is now ticking on the upcoming challenge. In social news we went out last night for Halloween, Shan and Amber won first prize as thing 1 and thing 2, while me and Brandon took second as a pair of Hellbilly's. In short I got schnockered and wound up with a respectable hangover for work this morning. Tonight is another Third Rail night but I will be taking the easy road of DD. Does this blog sound like a Doogie Howser entry yet?

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